Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is Daniel. The first guy to sleep in my room. I was on top, he was at the bottom. Haha. Not in THAT sense. Mel and I slept on the bed, he slept on the floor la. LOL.

So, about the mannequin. See Mel was teaching me the girl's moves while he practice his. Then he complained that he didn't have a partner. So, I went to the guest room to bring him a mannequin. Then he complains that the mannequin's naked and it looked obscene. I went to get a coat and put it on the mannequin.

Anyway, we were laughing so hard when Dan started dancing with 'her' that we literally rolled on the floor. There was actually another picture with him hugging the mannequin where 'her' breasts were exposed and he had this really stupid expression on but alas! He deleted it.

Number of phones we had between us. haha. Brats

We actually finished practicing at around 2-3ish but slept at 4.30. Why? We were busy playing games and telling lame jokes. Then we decided to put all 6 phones on alarms ranging from 5.30 to 6 am as all 3 of us wanted to shower in the morning. The first alarm went off at 5.30, no one heard it. The next one went off at 5.40, no one woke up. at 5.50, the third alarm went off and the mosque started praying, no one bothered to turn it off. Finally at 6, all 6 alarms went off at the same time! Dan and I woke up but Mel was sleeping! haha. We had to turn off the alarms on every phone and went back to sleep. Good thing some of us had a brilliant idea to set alarms for after 6 and they kept going off.

Finally at 6.20, I went to shower. When I got out, Mel finally woke up and it was her turn. Lucky Dan got to sleep in till 6.50+ because apparently, he can shower very fast.

All in all, we had a mere 2 hours sleep. We were yawning our way through every classes on Friday. But, hehe, I still went for Pei Min's farewell that night although I did over slept and woke up at 8pm. haha. Oh well, I'll blog about it when dear Pei Min decideds to send them to me. Apparently, I looked the most drunk even though I did not touch a drop of alcohol. Must be the sugar rush.

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