Thursday, February 12, 2009

SAM= Self Abuse Matriculation

Really tired now.

SAM= Self Abuse Matriculation
*Quote: Jing Xiu

Sudden realization: I've been having an average 2 test per week. According to Mel's very colourful planner, We'll be having a test everyday during the last week of Feb, which is like this month.

So, I've got my bio results back. Good to know that some things never change? :) LAN was awesome! I'm one of the few who actually passed LAN! 3.2 marks ok! damn cool! HAHA! ok. Don't rub! HA. Truth is: I studied, which kinda explains my Bio results right?

Chem was a peice of cake but I can't say the same for Maths now can I? Considering how I totally screwed up the last question! 
Pop Quiz: Pythagoras Theorem: If the hypotenuse is 5x and the base is 3x, what's the height? Yea. Funny how you forget everything under exam tension huh?

So anyway, I thought that I'll be able to sleep early tonight but no~ Mell, Dorrie and Dan's sleeping over or should I say dancing over. xD And tomorrow will be study, dance, dance, dance, home, pei min's farewell. O.O Hopefully I won't pass out halfway through. You know I've actually thought of skipping? But nah! Too much to lose. I've not seen those familiar faces for too long! I need to find some trace of my comfy SPM life. Yeap. Comfy.

Oh, did I mention that my driving test's next monday? Watch out people. Don't get out of your houses.

I've been talking to myself less lately.
Is this a sign I'm going crazy?

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